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Tables and Figures in APA. 3 Problems and 3 Fixes

What help do you need to complete your dissertation or article? My proven 5 step method can get you where you need to be. If you write a dissertation, thesis, or article, figures and tables are a must. Science journals require them, and education publications welcome them. Yet, I counsel people with dissertation editing online services all the time about the following three problems I see frequently:

  • Tables and figures must be titled properly and in the correct place. Tables before, figures after.

  • Introduce all tables and figures before one sees them. Good practice is to mention them after.

  • TOP mistake: Providing or discussing all the information of the tables or figures in the reading. The tables and figures should have more information than one discusses. A two or three row figure/table with two columns is almost never advisable. An overview but not complete recounting is necessary.

APA Tables and Figures

APA takes time and experience. Let me check your document, from editing/proofreading, APA, and helping with research and chapter development.

The first three people who go to and request more help on the first page can receive the following: 1st Place) Copyedit/proofreading/APA check entire writing sample + complimentary methodology advice [$750 value], 2nd Place) Assistance with Methodology Chapter [$750 value], and 3rd Place) Qual/Quant Assistance [$350 value]. The places, may, in order received, choose a lesser price. **I do not ghost write/do your work. I will help you accomplish your goals and follow you throughout your process.

Dr. David Coker

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